Month: May 2016

How Much Longer?

How Much Longer?

How much longer till the brewery is completed I hear you all cry?

Not long now. We have a few things to finish off:

  • Drainage – is being sorted out as I type; boring I know but essential.
  • The new sloping brewery floor should be going in this week.
  • Once the floor is in and curing we have a couple of weeks to wait before we can move the brewkit in
  • Plumbing – we have to route a 1in pipe along the wall or I will be waiting a week to fill the HLT
  • Cold room – we need somewhere to condition all the tasty beer
  • Malt floor and malt chute/malt hydrator. Thanks to Sadler’s Ales for the inspiration for the malt hydrator.
  • A little bit of electrical work.
  • Then we will be getting the brew kit in and the warehouse will be turned into The Brewhouse.

As I say not long now, I am as excited as a small child at Christmas, and really can’t wait to do the first brew.

Posted by James in Beerblefish HQ News
Moving the Malt

Moving the Malt

The malt and hops from the lovely people at Crisps and Charles Faram were delivered last week.

Having had the freezer delivered last week I quickly moved the hops upstairs into the freezer. But the problem still stood how was I going to get a tonne and a bit of malt upstairs. The answer was call in the troops, thank you to Bethany, Darci, Paul, Tom 1 and Tom 2, for coming down on Saturday and helping shift it all upstairs.

Here it is all neatly stacked up.

Posted by James in Beerblefish HQ News, Brewing
Weekend Works

Weekend Works

We took the long weekend and got a few things done down at Beerblefish HQ, we have painted the walls, swept and mopped the floors, made 4 visits to IKEA, and a few more to Tesco. We now have a set of mugs for tea, a kettle to make tea, seats to sit in while thinking and drinking the tea, and a table to place out biscuits and cups on during the periods of thinking in between the drinking of tea.

Before the weekend
During the weekend: first meal in the brewery

After the weekend (we also have a table between the benches now):

Posted by James in Beerblefish HQ News