Somewhat ironically, today’s blog post was supposed to be about holding parties at the brewery! We’ll be saving that one for another time but this is merely a blip in our blog planning and it will pass.
We’re living in uncertain times all of a sudden, and this week’s closure of pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants has a great impact on many people who work hard to provide quality beers to the general public. The owners and staff of those venues are, of course, at the front line of that impact, but there are many other links in the supply chain that will be feeling the pinch right now, from the breweries to the yeast manufacturers and from the distributors to the farms that rely on spent grain as animal feed.
We think we’re in a reasonably good place overall – our unique business model and social enterprise aims give us a bit of wiggle room to weather this kind of storm. We’re looking at ways to get our beer out there even though the pubs are shut. We’re unlikely to be brewing as much in the near future as we had planned, but we’ve got some stock of our best beers and our Limited Edition Hopped Gin, and we’re hoping to be able to find retail outlets for it very soon.
In the meantime, if you want to help us to keep going (not just financially, but motivationally!), now would be a really good time to buy a tshirt from our online tshirt store – we know that our fulfilment partner, Teemill is looking after its staff at its factory on the Isle of Wight, but many of their processes are automated, so they’re able to keep going when others might not be able to.

We’re really looking forward to what the future holds for the brewery, so keep an eye out here on our blog and on our social media for all the latest on what we’re up to.